Misconceptions and incomplete information are what holds most companies back from expanding their business to the United States.

Rethink Your Conclusions about Launching Your Product in the U.S.
You don’t need to open an office in the U.S. yet. First, you need to ensure that investment is warranted.
It starts with a minimal investment to gain a clear understanding of the market, competition and where the biggest opportunity lies, then a test to prove your product will sell.
Laying the groundwork before making a large investment will dramatically reduce risk and increase your odds of success.

Test Before You Invest
After 27 years of successfully launching dozens of technical products in the U.S. generating new revenue streams totaling more than $250 million per year.
We've developed a proven process using a measured approach: start small and increase your investment only as warranted by sales. Intimately familiar with the U.S. market, we can help you take the right steps in the right order to minimize your upfront investment and maximize your return.
Everything You Need to Get Started Selling in the U.S., With the Lowest Possible Upfront Investment
We manage and execute everything to the point when you’re ready to make a larger investment to open a U.S. office. And, we help you look before you leap, to avoid very costly mistakes. Stop wondering if your product could be successful in the U.S. and start knowing.

To better understand North American customers, the demand for your product, price levels, local competition and available distribution…
- Market Research
- Competitive Analysis and Scorecards
- Brand Message Development and Localization
- U.S. Webpage/Website Development
- Localized Sales Tool Development
- U.S. Trade Show Management
- U.S. Distribution Channel Identification and Engagement
- Key U.S. Account Identification and Engagement

To gage demand and begin selling your product in the U.S., I can help with:…
- Identifying legal requirements and counsel, U.S. incorporation, IP protection, distribution contracts, etc.
- Identifying and training U.S. call center support
- Importation, broker identification, duties
- Order fulfillment – Identifying third party storage and shipping of your orders
- Manage agency approval processes
- Online Advertising
- Social Media Management
- Coordinate Technical Support with HQ

After the opportunity has been proven with sales and you’re ready to build on that success by opening a U.S. branch, I can help with:…
- Location and office space
- Office logistics, carpet, phone, furniture, utilities, maintenance services, etc.
- Banking
- Staffing and identification of qualified personnel
- Press and marketing communications
- Blogs, trade journal articles, key presentations, webinars, product reviews, and general marketing buzz about your arrival

Free Guide
This new e-book gives a comprehensive overview of the new product introduction process, and provides a checklist of everything you should consider in releasing a new product.
Download Free