Identify your capital requirements and funding sources long before you need them.

Focus Your Business Plan
Does your business plan clearly and succinctly describe your business, your technology, your analysis of the market and competitive landscape, your organization, your sales, marketing and distribution strategies, and your financial projections? We can take a big load off of your shoulders by helping to develop, improve, and communicate your organization's business plan.

Sharpen Your Investor Pitch
Have you adequately summarized the key information that investors seek?
Is the customer problem, your solution, the market overview, your business model, your team, your market, your technology and IP, your financial and growth projections, the investment sought and equity offered, and exit strategy sufficiently clear to the uninitiated?
We help young and startup tech companies seek funding. We view your pitch as potential investors would and help strengthen your overall proposal. We help identify investors that are a good fit for you. We help maximize the chances of success of your investor pitch.

Identify and Win Grants
We've had a lot of success seeking and applying for awards, research grants, small business grants, and other public and private funding,
because we help capture the excitement of what is innovative and impactful about your approach. Easy!
Securing Financing Is Critical to Your Company’s Growth
Focus your business plan, sharpen your investor pitch, improve your grant application, and identify and approach key potential investors with a history of investing in your industry and type of business. We can help. It's what we do.

Free Guide
Our e-book gives a comprehensive overview of the new product introduction process, and provides a checklist of everything you should consider in releasing a new product.
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